Examinations and Testing

Numeracy & Literacy Exams

All students in Years 7-11 sit examinations as appropriate. In Year 11 all students sit mock examinations during the Autumn Term. The school prepares all students to enter for public examinations. See more information for parents & carers from the Welsh Government here.

Exams Years 10 – 13

If a student has studied a subject and been entered on an examination, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure they attend school and sit it. Should a student miss the examination without a justifiable reason (agreed by the Headteacher) the entry fee must be paid by the parent.

Public Examinations

Last year’s results are distributed when the Government Tables of Examinations results are published. Each year the majority of our Year 13 students continue their studies at Universities and Colleges of Further Education.

Please see our Examination Information Booklet for more information or e-mail the Examinations Officer if you need further assistance. You may also wish to visit our Examination Support page to access some useful revision resources, tips and advice.

Examination Contingency Days

Results Days



National Tests