Welcome to Ysgol Aberconwy’s Transition page specially set up for Year 6!
The diagram below shows how we plan and prepare for the transition process throughout the year.
Please also take a look through the information below as it contains lots of useful details about the transition process and the school:
Welcome Message
Welcome to this page, where we hope you will find answers to all your questions about the transition process from your child’s primary school to us here at Ysgol Aberconwy. We are delighted that you have chosen us for your child and we are keen to work with you to ensure that they can settle in quickly and happily over the next few months.
We firmly believe that the key to an effective transition is good communication – so as you can see from the information on this page, there are a number of opportunities for you and your child to meet with various members of staff and students, talk with them, ask them questions and prepare for the start of year 7.
You will also discover that these culminate in a full week of transition activities toward the end of June, during which your child will have the chance to find their way around, make new friends and get to know key staff.
Our experience suggests that by the end of the week most children are confident enough in their new surroundings to enjoy the summer without being worried or anxious. There is also a chance for you, as parents, to come in to school as well to see how they’re getting on!
Through these events and contacts, we hope that you will find everything you need – but if you have any questions at all, or have things you would like to discuss, please get in touch with us by email at year6questions@aberconwy.conwy.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Important Transition Dates
Below, you will find some useful dates related to our transition programmes:
Introduction to the School
Please browse through our videos below to see various areas of the school as well as some useful information relating to key areas:
Introduction and tour with Mr Gerrard, Headteacher
Using your fingerprint….
Y Copa (The Library)
Y Sgwar (The Yard)
Finding your way to….
Morfa Bach
Meet the Team
Below, you will find some useful information about our transition team so you can put a face to the name:
Mr Ian Gerrard – Headteacher
Mr Gerrard is the Headteacher here at Ysgol Aberconwy. He is in charge of the school and how it runs. You might not come across him very often but he is always around.
Mrs Catrin Jones – Transition Coordinator
Mrs Jones is the Transition Coordinator at school. She is the one your child will have seen at their primary schools over the year. She is in charge of the transition programme at Ysgol Aberconwy and is likely the familiar face you see when you first arrive.
Mr Andrew Hesketh – Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral)
Mr Hesketh is the Assistant Headteacher that’s in charge of pastoral. This means that he ensures excellent standards in pastoral care, including behaviour, attendance and punctuality.
Mrs Jennifer Ohlsson – Head of Year 7
Miss Freeman will be the Head of Year who will be working alongside your child from year 7-11. Your child will meet them during the Transition week.
Mrs Emily Richardson-Mcilveen – Year 7 Guidance Mentor
Mrs Wigzell will be the Guidance Mentor for year 7. She will be a daily point of contact for your child if they have a problem or want to talk.
Mrs Medwen Brookes – Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)
Mrs Brookes is the Assistant Headteacher in charge of inclusion. “Y Ganolfan” is our specialist inclusion centre here at Ysgol Aberconwy. This includes “Tegfan” the county’s provision for students with ASD and neurodevelopmental difficulties.
Mr D Jolliffe – MAT (SEREN) Coordinator
Mr David Jolliffe is the More Able and Talented (MAT) Coordinator. We pride ourselves in meeting the differing needs of all our students, including the more able and talented.
Frequently Asked Questions
We know that you will have a lot of questions about life at Ysgol Aberconwy. Members of our team are always happy to answer questions when they are out and about visiting the primaries, as well as via email (see the contact details at the bottom of the page). Hopefully, we will have provided the answers to most of your questions in this section. To get started, please click on the tabs below:
How will I know which form I am in?
Your child will be told their form classes during the transition week. They will also be given a postcard with a photo of their form tutor and the class they will be in.
What time do I need to arrive at school?
School starts at 8.45 and pupils will be expected to go to their registration class or the school hall for an assembly at this time.
How will I know where to go on my first day?
You will come into school through the big green gates by the bus park which is to the right of the school building. You will see the main yard ahead in the distance and there will be teachers waiting to greet you and to take you to the main hall for assembly. There will be staff at the main gate too – you will see them in bright yellow jackets.
I’m worried that I don’t know anyone at Aberconwy
The staff at Aberconwy will know that you have come by yourself and will know that you don’t know anyone. They will help you to make friends when you arrive.
Where can I keep my books and equipment?
All our pupils carry their own equipment and books in their bags. You will need to check your timetable every evening and organise your bag to make sure that you have everything you need for the next day. If you organise yourself like this your bag will not be heavy and can be carried around quite easily. You will need to look after your own bag when in Aberconwy but you will get used to this very quickly.
How will I know where my form room is?
You will be taken to the assembly hall on your first day and the Head of Year, guidance mentor and form tutor will meet you there. The Head of Year will check that everyone has arrived and will ask your form tutor to escort you to the form room. We will give you a plan of the school and we will give you a tour of the school when you are in. You can see some tours on the videos that we are preparing for you on the school website. Let us know if you would like to see anywhere in particular.
I’m worried that I will get lost
Your form tutor will show you around the school when you start. You will get a map of the school. If you do get lost there will always be someone around to help you and they will take you where you need to be.
What equipment will I need?
You will need a pencil case with pens, pencils, ruler, sharpener, rubber and coloured pencils. You will need to bring your PE kit on the days that you have PE – you can check your timetable to find out when this is. Mobile phones can be brought into school (at your own risk) but must be turned off at all times apart from break and lunch
What if I forget my equipment?
Your form tutor will check to make sure that you have the right equipment during registration in the morning. They will be able to help you out if you have forgotten items. If you forget your PE kit you will still be expected to take part and the PE teachers will lend you a PE kit from their stores.
Where will I eat my lunch?
Year 6 will be able to go down for their lunch a little earlier in the first few weeks until you get used to the system. You can buy a meal which includes a hot meal a dessert and a drink in the canteen. You can buy baguettes and paninis and food that you can walk around with from Cafe 6. You will see Cafe six on your right as you walk in from the main gate on to the yard each morning.
How will I pay for my lunch?
We use a fingerprint system at Ysgol Aberconwy. Your parents can give you money to put into the machine in the canteen or cafe 6 and the money will show up on your account. When you choose your food and go to the til you will place your finger on the scanner and the staff will be able to see your account. This is a great system as you don’t have to worry about losing your money in school.
Can I pay by cash or cheque?
You can bring a cheque into school in an envelope with your name and form group written on the envelope. There is a postbox to the left of the canteen door for you to post your cheque. This will need to be posted at the start of the school day for it to show up on your account by lunchtime. You can bring smaller amounts of cash to pay into the machines in the canteen as often as you like – this shows up and is ready to use almost immediately. On your first day at Aberconwy, we will show you where all this is, and we will demonstrate how to do it. If you are ever unsure, check with the staff in yellow jackets that are on duty in the canteen.
Can I bring a packed lunch?
You can, of course, choose to bring a packed lunch. You can eat your packed lunch in the canteen with your friends or you can eat it on the picnic tables outside on a nice day. We expect all pupils to make sure that the yard is kept tidy and that any rubbish is placed in the bins.
What should I do if I have allergies?
If you have any allergies, your parents will need to let us know in the ‘Welcome Booklet’ that we have asked them to complete. Your allergies will be recorded on the fingerprint system in the canteen and the staff will be alerted if you have chosen anything that would cause you harm. The manager of the canteen may want to discuss your dietary needs with your parents and special arrangements can be made to ensure that your needs are met.
Can I have a drink during the school day?
Pupils are encouraged to drink during the school day. It is important for you to feel healthy and alert during the school day. You should bring a water bottle with you to school and this can be refilled in the canteen. We do not allow energy drinks at ysgol Aberconwy as these are not healthy for you. Only water can be drank in the classroom.
What should I wear?
The school uniform consists of black trousers or skirt, an Aberconwy polo shirt with your form’s colour, an Aberconwy sweatshirt and black sensible shoes. You will need to check the uniform page on our website to make sure that you are wearing the correct uniform – you will find examples of what is and what isn’t allowed here. Shoes/trainers must be all black and cannot have any colour on them.The school does run a recycling scheme for uniforms and do hold a small stock of second hand uniform.
What should I wear for PE?
The school has a uniform for PE too. Please check the uniform page for a list/photos of the items that you will need.
Who can I go to if I need help?
Ask your subject teacher if you need help with work. If you are worried about something else speak to your form tutor, the guidance mentor or your head of year. Your guidance mentor and head of year can be found in ‘Y Porth’. This room can be found on the bottom floor at the end of the main building.
What is ‘Y Porth’?
This is the area in school where all the guidance mentors are based. The guidance mentors do not teach and are available to support you during the school day. They are also available to discuss any issues with your parents. The mentors and Head of Year help to make sure that you are settling and are happy in school, they will monitor things like your progress, your uniform, your attendance and will provide additional support if you need it.
What if I need additional learning support?
‘Cynnal’ is an area of school that provides additional learning support for pupils that may be need support with some aspects of their education. This department is run by the ALNCo – Mrs Hodgson. Mrs Hodgson will have spoken to your Year 6 teachers and will have made plans to ensure that you have the additional support in year 7 should you need it. A team of teaching assistants work in ‘Cynnal’ with Mrs Hodgson and will be in some of your lessons to help you with your work. They also run a homework club.
What is Pontio?
This is an area of school that is dedicated to supporting pupils with Autism at Ysgol Aberconwy. We have a separate booklet to provide more information about Pontio for those pupils that may need access to it.
Transition Links
Remember, if you have any questions, just email us at year6questions@aberconwy.conwy.sch.uk and we will get back to you.