School: | County Maintained, Co-Educational 11 – 18 Comprehensive School |
Language: | English Medium |
Headteacher: | Mr Ian Gerrard BSc |
Address: | Morfa Drive, Conwy LL32 8ED |
Telephone: | +44 (0)1492 593243 |
Facsimile: | +44 (0)1492 592537 |
Email: | Click here to send an email |
Ethos and Values
We want Ysgol Aberconwy to be a happy, caring, ordered and respectful community in which people are treated with fairness and are supported in developing themselves to the fullest possible extent to enable them to take their place in society. In short we aim to INSPIRE our students through an innovative approach to learning and SUPPORT them through our dedicated pastoral systems so that they can SUCCEED throughout their time in school and beyond. Parents of prospective students are welcome to visit Ysgol Aberconwy at any time during the school day. Contact Reception at school on +44 (0)1492 593243 in order to make an appointment to visit Ysgol Aberconwy
The School Day
A total of 25 hours weekly is spent teaching during Years 7 – 11. These hours include the time spent on religious education, but exclude the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration and breaks. The timetable is arranged as follows:
Facilities: Many of the school’s facilities are available to pupils during the lunchtime period and after school.
Lunchtime Arrangements
Students may buy a school lunch or bring their own packed lunch. The lunches provided in the school dining room are of a high standard and are offered as part of an extensive menu. A cashless fingerprint recognition system is in operation. Students who stay at school for lunch or who bring sandwiches remain under the care and supervision of the school. In order that we can fulfil this responsibility we expect all students to remain on the school premises during the midmorning break and lunchtimes. Click here to learn more about school meals.
As a parent or guardian, you may be entitled to free school meals for your children attending schools within Conwy County Borough. To find out if you are eligible please visit CCBC’s website or download the information here.
Closure or Partial Closure of the School due to Adverse Weather
When a decision is taken to close the school we will make the information available as soon as possible in the following ways. Unless communication is received through these means, then please assume that the school remains open :
The decision to close the school is never taken lightly and rests with Mr Gerrard and the Governors. Throughout the decision making process, our primary concern is always the safety of all our students and staff.
Pupil Development Grant Access Fund
A Pupil Development Grant (Access) is to help purchase a school uniform including coats and shoes, school sports kit including footwear, equipment e.g. school bags and stationery, laptop and tablet (where school is unable to loan pupil the equipment), uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to, scouts, guides, cadets, martial arts, sports, performing arts or dance, specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology and equipment for out of school hour’s trips such as outdoor learning.
Grants are available from Conwy County Borough Council for parents/guardians whose children attend a school within Conwy County Borough. For more information about this grant, including eligibility and the amounts available, or to apply online, visit the Conwy County Borough Council website using the following link: CCBC Pupil Development Grant (Access)
The Welsh Government have also published information about this grant, to see it please use the following link:
Pupil Development Grant
In 2022/23, the school received £200,100 in the form of the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) and it’s plans for the expenditure for this grant can be found by clicking here. This expenditure forms part of the school’s development plan and we review its impact on an annual basis.
Professional Learning Grant
The school received £28,809 in the form of the Professional Learning Grant (PLG) and it’s plans for the expenditure for this grant can be found by clicking here. This expenditure forms part of the school’s development plan and we review its impact on an annual basis.
If you would like to make a donation to the school, you can do so using the account information below:
Barclays Bank
Name of Account: Aberconwy Comprehensive School
Sort Code: 20-51-23
Account Number: 80101451
Site Management
All school catering is provided by Sodexo, a large specialist international facilities management company, who also provide cleaning and site management of Ysgol Aberconwy. All classrooms are newly refurbished and are kept to a very high standard. Toilet facilities are available throughout the school and are cleaned on an hourly basis.
Student Records
The school keeps individual records for all students throughout their time with us. They include such items as personal and medical details, formal reports and test results, and any other information that the school regards as significant for the welfare and progress of the pupil. Student records aim to assist reliable communication between home and school and the school provides for open access to individual student records by the parents of students below 18 years of age. Where changes take place in a student’s personal circumstances, of which the school needs to be aware, parents are asked to let us know at the earliest possible opportunity.”
Click on the link to view our Privacy/Data Protection Policy.
If a student is not well enough to attend school, parents should contact the school on the first day of the illness, and send a note with the child when he or she returns to school.
The school will contact parents when absence occurs as a precaution against truancy.
Parents should not take annual holidays which do not coincide with school holidays and dental or other medical appointments should, where possible, be arranged outside of school hours.
If you wish to take your child out of school in term time please download and complete this form and return it to school or email it to Lynn Jones in advance.
Illness at School
If a student becomes ill or has an accident at school the school may:
The school has a team of staff members who are on duty during school hours, and are the first point of referral for students who feel unwell or have been involved in an accident. Where parents cannot be contacted and hospital treatment is necessary, a teacher may give permission acting on the parent’s behalf. Parents are asked to inform the school of any medical or clinical condition which might affect the student’s progress.
Loss or Damage
Parents are asked to note that the Authority and the Governing Body do not accept any responsibility for loss of, or damage to, personal property at school. The school advises parents not to allow students to bring expensive electronic and mobile phone appliances to school. Any students damaging school property will be required to pay for repair or replacement.
As a parent or guardian you may be entitled to free school meals for your children attending the school. Applications for free school meals and uniform grants are dealt with by the Education Department, Conwy County Borough Council, telephone 01492 575056.
For more information please click here.
Our safeguarding/Child Protection Policy can be found on our Policies webpage.
School Uniform Grant
You may be eligible for a grant provided by the Welsh Government to help with the purchase of a school uniform for your child if you are on a low income, see the Pupil Development Grant Access Fund information above or click here.
Transport to school from most areas is arranged by Conwy County Borough Council, telephone 01492 575595 / 575075. All the details can be found on their website here:
The school also organises a service to Llandudno Junction and Deganwy, funded entirely by ticket sales. Please contact the school for more details on the arrangements for this service.
All students using school transport must follow the behaviour code as set out in this document: school-bus-travel-behaviour-code (PDF).
The law on school transport in Wales is set out in The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 20083. For more information see the Parent’s-guide-to-the-learner-travel-wales-measure-2008 (PDF)
Picking Up & Dropping Off Students
Please support the school in ensuring the health and safety of students, parents and school staff by not parking on the yellow lines up to the bus park off Morfa Drive. This area cannot be used as a drop off/pick up point for students as it restricts the movement of buses in and out of the bus park and creates a hazard for students and staff as well as bus drivers. The yellow lines were introduced to prevent accidents occurring in that space and so we would ask you to respect them please.
Arrangements Made for Students with Disabilities
The school is fully accessible for students with disabilities and complies fully with all current regulations. The Strategic Equality Plan can be viewed using the Equal Opportunities button on our Policies webpage.
Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Secondary School
The Welsh Government have produced a booklet to help explain what your child will be learning in secondary school. The guide can be found by clicking here.
General Security Arrangements
The school is fully secure with controlled access. It has a CCTV system which monitors the movement of students, staff and visitors around school. At break, lunchtime, before and after school teams of duty staff supervise students. There are members of staff trained in First Aid. All visitors to the school must sign in at reception and are issued with a visitors’ pass for the school. The gates to the bus park close at 3:10pm and re-open once all students are on the school buses safely. In order to further ensure the safety of students at the end of the day, it would be appreciated if parents/guardians park vehicles in the car parks available, rather than on the road.
Tutor Groups
Each students is placed in a mixed-ability tutor group of boys and girls. It is the role of the tutor to get to know the children in his or her care and to be responsible for day-to-day administration such as marking the register, checking uniform and reading daily notices.
Careers Education and Guidance
During their time at school students will be offered a variety of opportunities to explore the world of work through WBQ, PSHE and curriculum areas. Some of our year 10 and 12 students undertake work experience in local companies. Careers Wales provides support to the school offering free and impartial careers information, advice and guidance to support anyone making education or employment decisions. A Careers Wales Adviser visits the school regularly to give careers guidance to young people individually and in groups, as well as attending meetings for parents in the school to discuss 14+ and 16+ choices to help our young people make career plans and decisions, move into the right training, further learning or employment opportunities. To find out more about Careers Wales click here.
Personal, Social and Health and Education
We believe that personal and social education is central to the overall development of each student, and many aspects of school life contribute to this end. Each student undertakes a Personal Social Health Educational programme. The programme includes careers education, development of research and study skills, sex education and health education.
We have a number of specialist external agencies that support our PSHE delivery. The Police Service provide support across all key stages with our school nurse supporting our relationship and sexual health provisions at year 9 and above. We also have Conwy Youth Service, Spectrum CiC and Bernado’s who deliver sessions to specific year groups. Our school nurse is available on site once a week to see students on a confidential basis.
The school’s policy for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) is available on our Policies webpage. You can also read an Information Leaflet from the Welsh Government by clicking on the following link: RSE Information Leaflet (PDF).
Sports Aims
We want Physical Education at Ysgol Aberconwy to be an enjoyable, caring, ordered and respectful experience where everyone is supported to reach their full potential. We strive to develop positive attitudes towards wellbeing and try to encourage lifelong involvement in physical, outdoor and sporting activities. Our aim is to provide meaningful PE experiences that interest, excite and motivate all our students. We want everyone to experience success, develop the ‘whole’ person and provide motivation for positive lifelong attitudes towards health and well-being. We acknowledge the powerful influence sport and physical activity can have on young people and appreciate the significant role that PE staff members play in promoting these key values. Every child matters and every child has the right to enjoy and participate in high quality physical education and school sport, regardless of their age, ability, gender and background.
R.E and the Collective Art of Worship
We have a planned programme of collective worship, via assemblies. It is our intention to foster high moral and ethical standards, encouraging pupils to reflect on issues and to demonstrate a caring approach to them. When there is no assembly each form has a ‘Thought of the day’ for consideration. The school has no religious affiliation and religious education is provided in accordance with the Agreed Syllabus. If a parent should object on grounds of conscience to a student receiving religious instruction or attending assembly, alternative arrangements can be made. If a parent wishes to withdraw their child from religious education or assemblies, they should write to the Headteacher.
Charges for School Activities
The Governing Body has adopted a policy of charging students for:
A variety of trips are arranged to enrich the school experience of students. Whereas no child will be excluded from such trips as a result of an inability to pay, it is important that the expenses of each trip are met if the activity is to take place.
Student Behaviour and Discipline
Please visit our Policies webpage for information.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Please visit our Policies webpage for information.
Complaints Procedure
The school’s Governing Body has established a procedure to consider complaints concerning the way that the school’s Governing Body and the Education Authority act in relation to the curriculum and other related matters. This procedure is outlined in a document in Welsh and English which is available on the Policies webpage. In the first instance, if you have any complaints or problems, which relate to the running of the school, please do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher.
Further Information
The following publications are also available from the school:
Together with the Prospectus Handbook the school and Governing Body fulfil their responsibilities under the Education Acts to provide information for parents. In addition, the Education Act also gives parents right of access to the following information upon further request: