Listed below are a variety of questions frequently asked by parents. Should your query not be addressed either here or elsewhere on this website then please do not hesitate to contact the school on +44 (0)1492 593243 or via email.
Who do I contact about my child’s absence?
In the event that your child cannot attend school, please call us (preferably before 9:00am) on 01492 593243, press 1 at the prompt and state clearly: the name of your child, his or her Form group, and the reason for non-attendance.
Who do I contact about my child’s progress and homework?
The school has a highly effective reporting system for academic progress but should you wish to discuss this further, please contact your child’s Head of Year, their details can be found on the contact page.
Who do I contact about my child’s behaviour or welfare?
Should you have any concerns about your child’s behaviour or welfare in school, please contact his or her Year Mentor, their details can be found on the contact page.
What is the school uniform?
Full details of the school uniform for Years 7 to 11 and the school uniform for the Sixth Form can be found on our school uniform page.
What is the school P.E Kit?
Full details of the P.E. kit can be found on our school uniform page .
What do I do if my child does not have his/her full school uniform?
It is the policy of the school that all students should wear school uniform. However, should exceptional circumstance dictate that your child is unable to wear the correct uniform then a note should be provided and/or the appropriate Year Mentor should be informed, their details can be found on the contact page.
What are the hours of the school day?
A total of 25 hours weekly is spent teaching during Years 7 – 11. These hours include the time spent on religious education, but exclude the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration and breaks. The timetable is arranged as follows:
What are the term dates?
Details of events and important dates can be found by consulting the school calendar or visiting the key events and term dates information page.
How do I know when parents’ evenings are taking place?
Please check the school calendar or visit the Parents Evening information page.
How will I know when plays and musicals are taking place?
Please check the school calendar for information about plays, musicals and other events of interest.
How do I book an appointment to see the Headteacher?
Should you need to make an appointment to see the Headteacher, then please contact our reception on 01492 593243, where the necessary arrangements can be made.
How do I make an appointment to see a member of staff?
Should you need to make an appointment to see a member of the school’s staff, then please contact our reception on 01492 593243, where the necessary arrangements can be made.
How do I contact a School Governor?
Members of the school’s Governing Body can be contacted by first contacting Ms Jones, Clerk to the Governors.
How do I join the PTA or Parents’ Working Group?
There is a thriving Ysgol Aberconwy Parent-Teacher Association which all parents are welcome to join. Should you wish to register your interest in either the Parent-Teacher Association and/or the Parents’ Working Group then please contact our reception.
Who do I contact about school transport?
Transport to school from most areas is arranged by Conwy County Borough Council, telephone 01492 575595 / 575075. All the details can be found on their website here:
The school also organises a service to Llandudno Junction and Deganwy, funded entirely by ticket sales. Please contact the school for more details on the arrangements for this service.
What do I do if my child loses their bus pass?
Should your child lose their bus pass, please contact the appropriate Year Mentor, their details can be found on the contact page.
Who do I contact about claiming free meals and uniform allowance?
As a parent or guardian, you may be entitled to free school meals for your children attending schools within Conwy County Borough. To find out if you are eligible please visit CCBC’s website or download the information here.
Please visit out General Information page and then click on Pupil Development Grant Access Fund to find out about uniform and equipment allowances.
What do I do if we are planning a family holiday in term time?
Parents should not take annual holidays which do not coincide with school holidays. The importance of coursework in the GCSE examinations means that it is most unwise for students in Years 10 and 11 to miss school, even for family holidays. In exceptional circumstances, however, holiday forms can be obtained from the school; these should be completed and returned to school or emailed to Lynn Jones in advance.
Who should I speak to about an incident at the school?
Should you need to speak to someone about an incident in school, then please contact our reception on 01492 593243, where you will be directed to the relevant member of staff.
Who do I inform of a serious incident at home or in the community?
For school-related matters that occur at home or in the community, please contact your child’s Year Mentor, details can be found on the contact page.