A group of Ysgol Aberconwy mixed heritage students shared their personal sense of Cynefin [belonging] to educational leaders from across Wales and beyond at the National Diversity and Anti-Racist Professional Learning Conference (DARPL) in Venue Cymru. They all delivered their speeches to the Conference with passion, commitment and clarity. The delegates gave them a standing ovation.
Ysgol Aberconwy’s anti-racist lead teacher, Amy Grimward and Sixth Form student, Eimear spent the day at the DARPL Conference. They led a workshop at the Conference titled ‘Rooting Anti-Racism in local history’ in which Amy gave an overview of her Anti-Racist work in the school and Eimear read her response to Sugar and Slate, Professor Charlotte Williams’s personal memoir that examines her mixed-race identity.
Amy and Eimear with Professor Charlotte Williams OBE [author of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities Cynefin Report] at the DARPL Conference